I was in an elevator once with AI..Did I tell u?

Think it was 99, The Source awards was still happening and it was in LA. It was the same year DJ Quick got into a fight at the front door. For this trip I was staying at Le Parker Meridian if I remember correctly. I met my friends from The Fader Rob Stone and Lee Majors across the street at Fat Burger as rumors of chain snatching and robbing anyone not form LA were running rampant that weekend. The hotel a dark mahogany , Asian inspired them throughout was dark. Very La ,and very 90's. SO was the portable DAT machine I took with me on the trip to try to grab a few artist drops. This  b4 messaging, and APs on phones and as a DJ to come back home to Memphis with new artists drops was a huge deal almost 20 ears ago. The cosign of a major artist, never really was a big on pix and I de missed some great opportunities for those. As I walked through the packed lobby to back upstairs and grab my backpack, the elevator opened and it was Allen Iverson. The Sixers star who's game I always loved. His 99 swag, Braided up, baggy Sweats, several chains with medallions and 1 huge security guy. I conjured up enough courage DAT and Mic in Hand as he sized me up to make sure it was all good and no threat. "HEy AI, my name is Devin I,m ADJ frm MEM s there anyway you could do a drop for me... im a big fan of your game" AI Replies with a deep irritated breath.."I dont do personal drops"...I'm thinking...WTF? As connected to the culture, as Hip-Hop as AI is...No personal drops?? Or ...Oh...you didn't want to do a personal drop for the skinny white kid on the elevator...I rose my head and settled for a "Just do one for Memphis then".....and that's what I left with LOL...

AI will forever be AI, was my point....20 years later, hes doing interviews and the old AI is still there. Great work here with Complex and I vowed to get that drop again one day. Unfortunately , he was only with the Grizzles for 3 days// 

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